Knowledge Base

You can use the 123FormBuilder – NationBuilder integration to associate your form fields with custom fields created in your NationBuilder account.

To create a custom field, log in to your NationBuilder account, head over to the SettingsNation Defaults  Custom Fields section and click on New custom field.

Important Note! The only field types you can create are Text, Number, Checkbox, and Multiple choice fields. For the integration to work properly, your form fields need to have the same field validations as your custom fields. This means that fields such as the dropdown list are not compatible with custom fields from NationBuilder.

set up custom fields for NationBuilder

In your form builder account on 123FormBuilder, go to the Integrations section of your form and hit the Customize button of the 123FormBuilder – NationBuilder integration. Select the form field you want to associate with the custom field in NationBuilder and click on the dropdown list on the right. Scroll down until you see the Custom Fields group, where all the NationBuilder custom fields will be displayed below. Associate the custom field you want, save the changes, and you are done.

set up custom fields for NationBuilder

The 123FormBuilder – Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration allows users to send form data to their Salesforce Marketing Cloud lists, within seconds. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a digital marketing platform, which focuses on helping marketers to better communicate with their customers, through a system of lists. This integration may be used even by Salesforce Marketing Cloud subusers that have access to a form builder account on 123FormBuilder.

Here’s how you can integrate your web form with the 123FormBuilder – Salesforce Marketing Cloud application:

1. First things first, if you want to use this application, you need to set the Email field from your form as required.

2. Then, go to Set up → Integrations and add Salesforce Marketing Cloud from the list.

3. Provide the username, password and instance identifier of your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account. To find your instance identifier, go to your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account → Setup → Company Settings → Account settings → find SOAP Service Endpoint and copy the string of characters starting with “mc”, as seen below:

Additionally, make sure that the option from Setup → Settings → Security → Security Settings → Enable Username and Password for Web Services – is set to yes.

4. Click on Customize in the application box and associate Salesforce Marketing Cloud fields with 123FormBuilder fields. It’s mandatory that you make these associations:

  • Email
  • Subscriber Key

123FormBuilder - Salesforce Marketing Cloud - Customize

  • Select your Data Extension
  • Map all the required fields

123FormBuilder - Salesforce Marketing Cloud - Customize

5. In Subscriber lists select one or more lists from your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account, to which new contacts will be added at each form submission.

123FormBuilder Salesforce Marketing Cloud Subscribers

6. In Triggered actions select one or more autoresponders from your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account. Users will receive all of the selected autoresponders.

7. Optionally, in Error handling you can add your email address, in case errors occur after submission. If for any reason, the data doesn’t arrive in your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account, you will be notified right away.

This concludes the steps required for setting up the integration. Now, each time someone submits your form, the data will be collected into your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account, in your selected lists.

Important: If you haven’t selected a list in Subscriber lists, you can always find the contact in the All Subscribers section of your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account. Use the search bar to find the added email contact much easier.

You can establish what default country appears on your form in the Address field. Add/Click on your Address field and in the left side panel, under Options, you will find Default country.

The default/first option is autodetect → with this option enabled, the form can detect the country where your respondents are located based on their IP addresses.

Default country

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You can set up input default values for form fields in your Form Editor. Prefilled values help users fill out the form faster and make the overall experience friendlier.

To set a default field value, simply access your form builder account, choose your online form, and click on the field you are interested to provide a prefilled value. Under Prefill section, you will find an input text box, called Prefilled value.

Once you have provided a prefilled value, it will be displayed for your respondents on the form and they will be able to modify it if is needed.

Prefilled value

Use case

You can use input default values not only to provide input suggestions and examples but also to prefill the fields that users are probably not going to change. For instance, if you are building a registration form that primarily addresses participants from Boston, you can prefill the City field with the value Boston. Participants from other cities will still have the possibility to change the value of that field.


First/Last name. The prefilled value that you specify for a First/Last name field must contain a space character if you want to have both First and Last name prefilled, as it contains two separate input boxes

Date. For Date fields, you can use the default values today -1 week, yesterday, today, tomorrow, today +1 week, custom date. These will prefill the field based on the date at which users access your form. Custom date must have the format selected for the field.

Time. Default values for Time fields can be displayed on a 12-hour format or on a 24-hour format. The default time options are now – 1 hour, now – 1 minute, now, now + 1 minute, now+ 1 hour, custom time. When adding a custom time, make sure to respect the time format selected for the field.

Star Rating. You can add the number of stars that will be selected when the form is accessed. Type in the desired number of stars in the Default value section, under Options.

In this article, you will learn how to customize the footer of your email template within your 123FormBuilder form creator account.

When you open the default notification, you will see the generic email footer, which looks like this:

Footer of email notification

Here is what each variable from the footer does:

  • IP: returns the IP address from the user’s browser.
  • Country: based on the IP address. If the user is using a proxy or a VPN connection, it will not show the physical location.
  • Submission Date: the date when the entry was sent.
  • Browser: it will inform you of the browser type and version.
  • Entry ID: the number of the submission made on the form. It starts with 1 and is incremented with one unit at a time. (1, 2, 3, 4, and so on).
  • Referrer: is the URL of the web page from where the user arrived on the form.
  • Form Host: is the web page or link from where the form is submitted. Basically, it is the URL where the form is located

Of course, you can add the user’s answers as well. To insert submission input into the footer, click on the plus sign displayed next to the template, and choose fields from the dropdown list (e.g. Email).

Email footer variable

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In the Emails section of your form within the form builder, you can create and customize new email templates. This way, you have control over the content of the notification email that is sent to you and your form users when your form is submitted.

You can create new templates and edit them, in order for the notification email to contain the exact information that you want. You can set up any type of template, from a simple notification message to a complex message that holds all the submitted content.

In this article, we will focus on the Body section of your email templates.

Click on Load template and choose one of the available templates (e.g. Default notification template).

Load templates

The default template contains an HTML table that renders user input. If you want to remove some of the form fields, delete the corresponding table rows.

Delete row

If you want to replace the table with a simple message, then delete the table code by clicking the source code icon ( < > ) and type in your new message.

Source code

Customize the content of the email by styling the text (font, font size, color, alignment, and more). Click the plus sign from the top menu to add your own links and images.

Content of email

To insert submission input into the template, click on the plus sign displayed next to the template, and choose fields from the dropdown list (e.g. Name). Make sure to type the label before, because the variable will only show the user inputs, not the label of your field.

Also, there are other options you can benefit from, such as receiving submissions attached as PDF files or send a file.

Add attachment

Hide empty fields: If you enable this option, the fields that haven’t been filled will no longer be included in the notification email. The hide empty fields option works with custom and default email templates.

When editing your form’s Emails within the form builder, you can customize the way email notifications arrive in your Inbox after each form submission. You can edit aspects such as the email address and name associated with the sender, the subject of the message, as well as the content itself.

First things first, at Send to you will notice that My email appears. This is the email address associated with your 123FormBuilder account. To add another email recipient, simply type it in. To send emails to your form users, click on the plus sign and select an email field from the form.

Email recipients

Next, choose When to deliver the email. You can select to send the email right after the submission or payment, based on the approval status or with delay (X minutes, days, weeks, months).

Email arrival options

Collapse the Show From and Reply-to options section.

From and reply-to options

The first option refers to the name of the sender that is displayed in the first column of the email in your Inbox. Here you can associate a form field (e.g. Name – with the input provided by form users).

From name
From name example

You can also type a custom text that will always appear when the form is submitted (e.g. A new sale has been made!).

From name text
From name text example

The second option, From Email, refers to the email associated with the sender. We recommend choosing our default email address ( or enabling the SMTP option (send emails through your own email server). You can also choose (to simply remove any reference to our domain) or configure a custom domain to be the sender.

From email

The option Reply to email sets the recipient to whom the message is sent if you reply to the email notification. Select the Email field from the dropdown in order to reply to your form users.

Reply to email

Subject refers to the title of the email, as seen in the example below. You can either add a custom text, the input of a form field, or both.

Example: Inquiry John Doe. Inquiry is typed and John Doe is the input provided by the user in the Name field, which is included in the message subject. Therefore, if another submission is made with the name Ana Baldwin, then the message subject will be Inquiry Ana Baldwin. Use the dropdown on the right to include a field in the message subject. Once the field is selected, it will be automatically included in the message subject as a tag.

Subject example

Use the 123FormBuilder – Wix Contacts integration to collect data in your Contacts on Wix, through form submissions. Interact with your website visitors, gather contacts, and establish new relationships in a quick and easy manner. The application is automatically enabled once your web form has been added to your Wix webpage.

Important Note

The integration works only when the online form is submitted on a Wix webpage.

In the 123FormBuilder app from Wix, select the Add-ons tab, then click on the Customize button. The customization panel will open, where you can associate Wix Contacts fields with your form fields.

123FormBuilder app

In the Customize window, you’ll find the Wix Contacts fields on the left and the form fields in the dropdowns on the right.

You may attach avatars to your contacts. Just add a File upload field on your form and match it with the corresponding Wix Contacts field (Picture) in the customization lightbox.

Wix contacts

For the integration to work, it is necessary to map the fields with an asterisk next to them. That would be the Email field. Make sure to open the Form Editor of your form within the form builder and make your email field required.

The Message section allows you to add your own text and select other form fields. The field variable from the dropdown list will be replaced with the input of your users.

Customize message

In the Error Handling section specify the email address that will receive any error messages that may occur while sending data. By default, the email address of your 123FormBuilder account will appear there.

In 123FormBuilder, you’ll find the Wix Contacts integration in the Integrations → Installed Applications section of your form.

Wix Contacts 123FormBuilder integration

A form that is integrated with your Top Producer account can send information about the lead type that is generated at form submission. To achieve this, you will need to add a new field to your form and set a default value for it. After matching our form builder fields with Top Producer fields, this value will be passed to your Top Producer list. Follow the step-by-step guide below to set this up.

1. Add a new field to your form. Label it any way you want. For example purposes, we will call it Lead Type.

2. Set a default value for the new field in your Form Editor. The values that can be set for this field are: Buy-New-Home, Buy-Resale-Home, Buy-New-Resale-Home, Sell Home, Rent.

Note: This value is the Role that can be specified for your Top Producer leads. When neither of the values above is passed to Top Producer, the default value, Buy-New-Home, is used.

3. Hide the field by ticking the checkbox Hidden in the Edit Field panel. This step is optional, but you probably don’t want form users to see the form field that will pass the lead type.

4. You are now done with the Form Editor. Next, go to your form’s Integrations section and enable the Top Producer integration, if you haven’t done so yet.

5. When matching fields, make sure to associate the Top Producer field labeled Role with the 123FormBuilder field that you have just added, Lead Type. Press Save and you’re good to go.

When a new form submission is made and information is passed from your 123FormBuilder web form to your Top Producer list, the role of the new lead will be the one specified in your Lead Type field. You can change this value and publish the form with different values on different pages (or share the form link using different values).

Google Ads (formerly known as Google Adwords) is an effective tool to create successful marketing campaigns. It helps you monitor your success and double your conversion rates.

To track Google Ads you need to copy and paste a short JavaScript (JS) code snippet into your form’s Thank You page. 123FormBuilder offers the possibility to place scripts on your form on any of our plans.

In this article, we explain step by step how to track form conversions with your Google Ads tracking code.

Let’s get started:

1. Set up your conversion goal in Google Ads and copy the tracking code.

2. Paste the code into a text editor such as notepad, and save it with the extension .js

3. Afterward, upload the file on the webserver. Use any hosting service that can store the file online and be retrievable via URL.

4. Log in to your form builder account, open up your form and go to Advanced and switch to the Form tab.

5. Enable the option Add a JS script to the Thank You page of your form and paste the URL where your .js file is located.

JS script to Thank you page

6. Go to Publish -> Tracking section and provide the measurement ID in order to enable Google Analytics integration.

Google Analytics

That’s all! Each form submission is now measured as a conversion.

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At request, we can transfer forms from a 123FormBuilder account to another.

Important Notes

  • It’s not possible to transfer forms that were made under a paid account to another free account. Form transfers between a paid subscription to a free subscription are not available.
  • Forms can be transferred from paid to paid plans and free to paid plans.

Before making the transfer

There are a few things you need to check:

  • You have access to the account.
  • Both accounts must have the same features available. Double-check our Features Matrix here. The system restricts any account that has advanced features enabled.
  • If you need more than 1 form transferred, select and group them into a new folder. This speeds up the transfer process.

Each form has a unique ID, present in the form link. Keep in mind that the form will no longer be available in the parent account. Duplicate the form to have a copy of it.

What is not transferred

The following elements are related to the account and not the form itself:

  • Files uploaded.
  • Custom theme templates. Only the custom template that’s applied on the form will be carried over.

What to remove

Essentially, it’s highly recommended to delete any connections made on the form such as:

  • Google Map field API key.
  • Payment gateway credentials.
  • Integrations with third-party apps.

Requesting the transfer

  • Contact us via email from the email address associated with the parent account.
  • Add in CC the email address of the second account.
  • Specify the folder or form that needs to be transferred and the new owner. Example: Requesting to transfer the Order Form/Group to

That’s it! Once the transfer is done you will be notified via email.

When you use the Update all existing records option under Action to perform, you first have to select a lookup field. This means that the application will search in that Salesforce field for a specific record that is already registered. If the value from the lookup field matches with a previous entry, the record will be updated.

update records

Important Note!

After you select a lookup field, make sure that you map that Salesforce field with a form field below.

The final step is to decide what to do if no match is found:

Create new record – It means that a new entry will be registered if the new record doesn’t match with a previous one.

Skip entry – If there is no entry matching with a Salesforce record, no record will be updated and no new record will be created.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions. For more FAQs, please browse through the  FAQs page.

Is this service free?
Yes, we offer a free form builder service. Just sign up to the Basic plan and you are all set. This plan is forever free, but you are limited with a few features only, such as 5 forms per account, 100 submissions per month and you have to keep the backlink to 123FormBuilder on your forms. Check out our features matrix for more information.
How many forms can I create?
It depends on the service plan you are on. Higher service plans enable more features, including more web forms for your account. If you need more forms, go to the My Account section of your account and click the upgrade button. To create an unlimited number of forms, either upgrade to the Platinum service plan or higher. Consult our features matrix for more information.
How can I publish my forms?
You can publish your forms in many ways, by using their direct URL or HTML link, embedding them with a JavaScript code, Inline HTML or iFrame, using the Facebook app or the WordPress plugin, using popups, the Blogger code snippet and many more. Once you have created and customized your form, go to the Publish section to complete your work. Read more in our documentation.
How do I change my form design?
You can change the design of your form for more information. in the Themes section, which is located in your form settings. We offer a set of more than 30 predefined form themes for your forms, but you can also create your own from scratch. You can customize the submit button, the logo and more. To apply your own stylesheets, all forms come with a custom CSS editor.

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