Knowledge Base

123FormBuilder is hosted on Amazon servers with two data centres: US and EU.

When you install our application in Salesforce you are prompted to select the server on which you need the account.

If you accidentally select the wrong one and you want to change this you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Reset your connection with our application
    In order to reset the connection you need to refresh your token. To do that, follow the steps explained in this article.

  2. Switch servers
    After refreshing the token when you access 123Formbuilder you’ll be prompted once more to select the server. Click now to continue on the correct server.

If your account doesn’t show up and you are still seeing the same screen, click on the Switch server text.

Important Note

Forms created on one server will not be accessible on the other server because they connect to different databases.

There are different layouts that can be set for each object in Salesforce. The integration within our form builder allows you to select a layout that exists in Salesforce. Then, the fields present in that layout will be displayed in the integration for you to associate them.

Record types

When you set up the object in the integration, you’ll see the Record types section on the right that allows you to choose your custom record types and will load its fields.

Salesforce record types

Important Note!

We only show the dropdown menu when your Salesforce account has at least 1 custom page layout created. The dropdown menu will not be available if you only have the default layout (Master).

No layouts

Finally, associate the Salesforce fields with the form fields and save the changes.

To enable the integration with AWeber and send contact information straight to your AWeber lists, go to the Integrations section in your 123FormBuilder account and select AWeber.

Click on Connect to enter your AWeber login data and to allow the integration to access your AWeber account. After you grant this access, you’ll be redirected back to the application box.

Aweber 123FormBuilder integration

The AWeber User ID and Token fields in the application box are populated automatically. In the dropdown list, you can find all of your AWeber mailing lists. Choose the one you want to send contact information to. Then click on Customize to create the field associations. Match the AWeber fields on the left side of the customization lightbox with 123FormBuilder fields. Choose the latter in the dropdown lists. Press Save.

Aweber 123FormBuilder integration

When you access the Language section of your form for the first time in our form builder, you’ll first notice the default language. This is the first language you can choose to edit. The words that you used as field labels when building your form are the starting point for all future translations for a particular form.

Below the default language there is a plus sign.

Add new language

Click on it and a lightbox will pop up where you can select what other languages you want to add to your form. Let’s say we are choosing Spanish as a second language.

Add a new language

Once the second language has been added on the form, it will be displayed in the left side panel. By hovering over them, you can choose which language to be the default one and you can also edit or delete it.

Note: please keep in mind that by only adding the language on the form, the form is not translated automatically. You will have to edit the language by clicking on the pen icon and manually inputting the translation for each field/error message/system message.

Add translation

In the same section, you have two buttons: Export to CSV and Import from another form.

Import from another form

Export to CSV will automatically start downloading a CSV file containing all the translations from your form. The latter is useful if you’ve already set up a multi-language form from where you can import translations.

Import translations

Important Note

Copy the tags of the messages that appear on the left in case you want to keep the same structure (e.g. %s is used for links and variables).
Translations tags

You can set up certain conditions in Form Rules that will redirect users to a webpage based on the language they have selected on the form.

Translations form rules

To learn how to add multiple languages to your forms, you can also check out our step-by-step tutorial:

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123FormBuilder is constantly developed to support the latest and stable web browser versions. We highly recommend updating your browser to the latest version to have the best and most secure user experience across our platform. Old browser versions might disable some of the 123FormBuilder features and cause navigation problems.

If you are not using a recent browser version, 123FormBuilder can not guarantee the stability and functionality of the platform’s features.

In this article, we will illustrate the browsers fully supported by 123FormBuilder based on:

  • Usage of the 123FormBuilder features (Builder).
  • Display of forms as the end result (Viewer).
Google Chrome (major versions released in the last year)Google Chrome (major versions released in the last year)
Safari (major versions released in the last year)Safari (major versions released in the last year)
Firefox (major versions released in the last year)Firefox (major versions released in the last year)
Internet Explorer 11 (functional only)
we have dropped support for Internet Explorer 11
Internet Explorer 11 (functional only)
we have dropped support for Internet Explorer 11
Microsoft Edge (major versions released in the last year)Microsoft Edge (major versions released in the last year)
Android smartphone and tablet (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)Android smartphone and tablet (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)
iOS, iPad, and iPhone (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera)iOS, iPad, and iPhone (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera)

Payment forms are not compatible with the edit submissions option from the Advanced section of your form inside the form builder.

The payment process will trigger again when the form user returns to make changes to their submission. Although the submission is updated after sending the form and the user can refuse to move forward with the payment, this is not recommended.

For example, let’s say you have a bakery order form and a user orders two cupcakes. They might change their mind at the last minute and order something else. Even if they make a new payment, this can perturb your workflow and create unpleasant situations between you and your customers.

Therefore, we strongly advise against allowing users to edit their submissions if you use your form to collect payments.

You can easily add a middle name subfield for the Name field.

Click on the Name field and access the settings on the left-side panel. Go to Options and you will find Additional subfields – tick the option Middle Name. This will include an additional subfield between First and Last. You can also include an initial and a title if you require more information.

Middle name

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Yes, you can. From the Form Editor, go to the AdvancedForm tab.

Add JS script to your form

Afterwards, tick the option Add a JS script to your form. Paste the script URL in the text box that shows up and Save. Make sure to use a reliable service to host your script files.

You can use, for instance, Dropbox to host your script.

Here is a step by step guide on how to successfully apply a script to your form with Dropbox:

First, if you are using a script provided to you by someone else, make sure to copy and paste the script in a text editor and then save it with the extension .js (you can use Notepad, Word, etc).

Then you will upload this file in Dropbox. From there, you can share/copy your link, as seen here:

Paste the link in the Advanced section of your form, under the option Add a JS script to your form. Before you save, you will need to tweak the link that Dropbox generates. Your link has this format: Instead of “www” write “dl” and after “dropbox” write “usercontent” and your link will now look like this:

You can now click on Save and access your form to see if the script is triggering.

If you need to apply a script that should perform an action on the Thank you page, or that tracks the number of users who submitted your form, use the option below – Add a JS script to the Thank You page of your form.

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With 123FormBuilder, you can create a contact form for Blogger and many other types of forms. Here’s how you can embed these online forms on Blogger.

After you’ve created the form in your Form Editor and tweaked your form settings, go to the Publish → Platforms section. Here click on the tab named Blogger and copy the code generated for your form.

Blogger 123FormBuilder

Then, log in to your Blogger account and click the New Post button.

Blogger new post

Afterward, select the pencil icon to switch to HTML view and paste the code that you’ve copied from your 123FormBuilder account.

HTML editor

Preview, Publish and you’re good to go.

Use a contact form for Blogger to expand your reach. Have your visitors contact you via a contact form or more.

If you want to use a lightbox form, you cannot see how it interacts on the page in preview mode. You’ll need to publish the page first.

Note: There’s a slight difference between Blogger and Blogspot. You use Blogger to create your blogs and blog posts, while Blogspot is the service that hosts them. Each blog is a subdomain on Blogspot (e.g. So whether you refer to your blog as being from Blogger or Blogspot, use this publishing option to add your online forms.

You can add more than one autoresponder to your 123FormBuilder form. Once you have accessed the Editor for your form, click on Emails. By default, you will have one email created, but you can set up as many emails as your subscription allows:

Basic – 3 email templates

Gold – 6 email templates

Platinum – 10 email templates

Diamond – 15 email templates

New email

You can also trigger different autoresponders/emails each time a certain condition is met on the form with the help of notification rules. For example, if Field A contains a value Y, then the respondent will receive a particular email.

To add online forms to PrestaShop, go to your 123FormBuilder account, copy the JavaScript code of your form and paste it inside a JavaScript module from your PrestaShop webpage. If you don’t have the JavaScript module for PrestaShop, you can either buy it from PrestaShop’s marketplace or follow the steps below:

1. Open the source control software from your server where all your PrestaShop files and folders are located. Go to ThemesYour Theme and select the page where you want to add the online form. In this tutorial, we will change the contact form located on the Contact Us page. Open the file contact-form.tpl and delete all content within the file. If you cannot open it with Notepad, try Notepad++.

2. Log in to your 123FormBuilder account, select the form you want to publish in My Forms, and go to the PublishEmbed form section. Copy the JavaScript code of your form and return to your .tpl file to paste it there. Next, save your changes and overwrite the old contact-form.tpl file with the new one (if changes haven’t been applied directly on the server).

Return to your PrestaShop website (visual mode) and you’ll find the new contact form on the Contact Us webpage. All form submissions received through your PrestaShop webpage will be saved in the Submissions section on 123FormBuilder. Whenever you edit the online form in your 123FormBuilder account, all changes will be automatically applied on your PrestaShop website, but only if you use the JavaScript code.

Note: This documentation is made with the use of PrestaShop 1.6 without any customized modifications.

Yes, you can allow users to search through the options of your online form. In your 123FormBuilder account, go to the Form Editor, select the Dropdown field, and tick Searchable on the right side menu, under Options.

Searchable dropdown

Once your respondents click on the dropdown field, a search bar will appear on the first line.

Search bar

A searchable dropdown list is helpful in a variety of situations. Let’s say you’re creating an appointment form for scheduling medical consultations with doctors or other healthcare specialists. You might include several names, specialties, and medical offices. Patients may want to find a specific doctor by name, specialty, or location, without scrolling through a long list of options.

By enabling a searchable dropdown list to your form, patients can easily search for their desired doctor as they type. The system will filter the options to display the relevant doctors in real time.

In conclusion, adding a searchable dropdown list to your 123FormBuilder form is a simple yet powerful way to enhance user experience and streamline the form-filling process.

Important Note

The searchable dropdown list is not compatible on mobile. If enabled, the search bar will not appear in the dropdown on mobile devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions. For more FAQs, please browse through the  FAQs page.

Is this service free?
Yes, we offer a free form builder service. Just sign up to the Basic plan and you are all set. This plan is forever free, but you are limited with a few features only, such as 5 forms per account, 100 submissions per month and you have to keep the backlink to 123FormBuilder on your forms. Check out our features matrix for more information.
How many forms can I create?
It depends on the service plan you are on. Higher service plans enable more features, including more web forms for your account. If you need more forms, go to the My Account section of your account and click the upgrade button. To create an unlimited number of forms, either upgrade to the Platinum service plan or higher. Consult our features matrix for more information.
How can I publish my forms?
You can publish your forms in many ways, by using their direct URL or HTML link, embedding them with a JavaScript code, Inline HTML or iFrame, using the Facebook app or the WordPress plugin, using popups, the Blogger code snippet and many more. Once you have created and customized your form, go to the Publish section to complete your work. Read more in our documentation.
How do I change my form design?
You can change the design of your form for more information. in the Themes section, which is located in your form settings. We offer a set of more than 30 predefined form themes for your forms, but you can also create your own from scratch. You can customize the submit button, the logo and more. To apply your own stylesheets, all forms come with a custom CSS editor.

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