Daycare Enrollment Form Template

Offer parents an efficient online form to fill for enrolling their children into daycare. Customizing it is no hassle, just give it a try!

About this template

The Daycare Enrollment Form is the application that parents must complete to get their kids started in a new child care program. Parents often receive a child care enrollment form as part of an application package that includes information about the child care center, its policies and procedures, and any mandatory disclosures that may be required by law. Offer parents an efficient online form to fill for enrolling their children into daycare. Customizing it is no hassle, just give it a try with our form builder!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are Daycare Enrollment Forms Important?

Having a Daycare Enrollment Form in place will help you make a good first impression, create a child care agreement, ensure child safety, comply with regulations, set expectations for parents, and learn about the child.

What information is on a Daycare Enrollment Form?

1. Basic personal information about the child
2. Information about parents & family
3. Child care enrollment agreement & payment terms
4. Child medical and personality information
5. Other terms and conditions

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