May Product Releases

Discover our May product updates, crafted to elevate your efficiency and enrich your user experience. Test our brand new “Thank You” page section and explore other exciting enhancements.

The New and Improved “Thank You” Page

We’ve improved our form builder’s “Thank You” page for better user experience and customization. Now in the “Create” section, it offers a real-time preview, easy multimedia additions, intuitive redirect options, and new features like quiz result displays and call-to-action buttons. A new left-side panel allows advanced design flexibility, adopting the form theme seamlessly.

These updates are part of ongoing enhancements to help users create engaging and effective “Thank You” pages.

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Stripe & Stripe Checkout integration update

The Stripe & Stripe Checkout integration has been updated to the latest version, ensuring enhanced security, faster transaction processing, and access to the newest features for seamless payment experiences.

PayPal Checkout integration update

We are excited to announce the updated PayPal Express Checkout integration with 123FormBuilder for better payment form functionality.

Important! Users who have not provided their Merchant ID and email address for forms with PayPal Express Checkout integration should be aware that the integration will no longer function. However, they can resolve this issue by accessing their forms with PayPal Express integration and adding the required Merchant ID and email address.

Image crop and edit tool for embed image, single, and multiple choice fields.

We’ve introduced several new features to enhance your experience with embedded images: 

  • A ‘Browse’ option in the embedded image field for easy image addition.
  • A cropping tool in the modal window with various crop options.
  • Users can adjust the cropping selection to meet their needs, with a default square ratio.
  • A preview of the added image, along with edit and delete buttons, is available in the field settings area.

Move account dropdown information

The account information dropdown has been moved from the bottom left to the top right corner, allowing users to quickly and easily access their account details.

Check out May’s updates for a more streamlined form creation experience!

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