We have reached 100 team members!
We’ve come so far in these 13 years since we started our form-building journey, and it’s all due to our amazing customers! Just a few months ago, we welcomed venture capital firm 212 with a seat on the company’s board. Now, we’re reaching another important milestone: scaling up the team to 100 employees.
To mark this special occasion, we asked our 100th employee to answer a few questions. She just got hired so, doing yet another interview, seemed a great option to show her how it feels being like that cousin who doesn’t show up to the family reunions anymore because of the third-degree interrogation. But, being a Social Media & Community Lead requires being vocal, so she was more than happy to answer our questions.
PS: We promise no social media people were harmed in the making of this interview.

Q: ASL pls? (This is for my people who grew up with mIRC.) Just kiddin’, no one is still interested in that. How about NPL- where NPL stands for Name, Profession, and Location?
A: Jelea Oana Corina. Call me Oana. I like to say that I’m a millennial with an internet connection. Sometimes in the Netherlands, other times in Romania, and absolutely always online.
Q: What everyday life goals do you have?
A: Keeping up a healthy balance between my personal life and my career. All while practicing self-awareness, snacking less, reading more, and unplugging at the end of the day.
Q: Any habits you’re trying to break?
A: Waking up 15 minutes before the first call of the day.
Q: What are three words you would use to describe working at 123FormBuilder?
A: Ever-evolving creativity, synergy, fun, and growth. Sorry, I cheated.
Q: What are you afraid of?
A: Bad internet connection. Don’t judge me.
Q: How do you find peace?
A: Do you know that moment before landing, when the pilot says, “Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing”? That’s when my peace starts!
Q: What’s the best part about being a Social Media & Community Lead?
A: Creating and nurturing connections with the community. There’s nothing better than responding to comments and messages every morning while having my black tea with extra milk.
Q: What’s the worst thing about being a Social Media & Community Lead?
A: Keeping up with TikTok trends.
Q: What do you hate the most about the internet?
A: How fast the information spreads. It’s a love-hate relationship based on the accuracy of the news.
Q: What memories do you have about the internet back in the day?
A: I have been present on all social media platforms since the beginning of time (go figure). All I can think about is how awkward I was on Hi5, MySpace, and VampireFreaks. Full-on emo haircut, skinny jeans, black eyeliner, always listening to From First To Last, and dealing with the complexities of the first romantic relationship. Hmmm, maybe a part of me misses those times.
Q: Name a song you keep on repeat right now.
A: Impossible. I’ll give you three. “Here comes the sun” from The Beatles for low energy days, “Paparuda” from Via Dacă for medium energy days, and “Astral Projection” from Enrico Sangiuliano for high energy days.
Q: What’s the most important thing to remember when you’re dealing with extreme amounts of pressure?
A: Don’t panic. Inspiration comes right before the deadline.
Q: How do you manage to juggle between working in digital marketing and a Ph.D. in environmental sciences?
A: Lack of sleep and vast amounts of RedBull haha. I like to introduce myself as a content creator by day and Ph.D. candidate by night. I know this sounds like the ultimate cliché, but I’m one of the lucky ones because I found my missions, and I can embrace my top passions for work. And for me, there’s nothing more rewarding than doing what I love day by day!
We hope you enjoyed reading this far! Just to add one more gem to the article – have you noticed there are 13 questions on the interview, and this year we also celebrated 13 years of form building? 🤯 number 13, Illuminati confirmed, UFOs are real.
You’re welcome! And oh, by the way, we’ve been working remotely since the pandemic started, so we were really excited to get together for the first time in months. Here’s a video of us all celebrating this huge milestone for us.
Looks fun to be a 123er, doesn’t it? Then you better take a look at our available jobs. We’re hiring, and you might be just the person we’re searching for.
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