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5 Tips for Creating an Effective Order Form

In today’s digital age, businesses have a plethora of options when it comes to selling products and services online. One might think that diving headfirst into a full-fledged e-commerce platform is the only route to success, but that’s only sometimes the case. Online order forms offer a simple, cost-effective alternative that might be better suited for many businesses.

When designed effectively, an optimized order form ensures a smooth and intuitive user experience, leading to higher conversion rates and reduced cart abandonment. Here are some tried-and-true tips for creating an efficient and user-friendly order form:

1. Use a Product List field  

This feature seamlessly integrates products or services directly onto the online order form, serving as a mini-catalog. This intuitive addition allows potential buyers to view, select, and purchase without ever needing to navigate away, streamlining the user experience.

The product field is tailored for businesses and individuals who offer goods or services. Instead of redirecting potential customers to another page or platform, businesses can now embed their offerings directly within their online forms.

Many popular online form builders, including 123FormBuilder, now offer the product field option, recognizing its importance in enhancing e-commerce experiences.

2. Secure Payment Options

Customers want peace of mind when it comes to making online purchases. Offer secure payment options such as credit card payments, PayPal, or other trusted payment gateways. Display trust symbols and logos to reassure customers that their information is safe.

123FormBuilder offers a plethora of payment processor choices, ensuring that revenues from your online forms flow seamlessly into your bank. 

3. Personalize Your ‘Thank You’ Page

A tailored “thank you” page, which acknowledges the customer’s specific purchase or action, fosters a sense of recognition and appreciation. It can also be used as a strategic touchpoint for further engagement. By presenting customers with related product recommendations and special offers or asking for feedback, businesses can seamlessly guide them to additional interactions or sales. 

Within the 123FormBuilder tool, you can extensively tailor your ‘thank you’ pages, allowing for the inclusion of custom text, images, videos, or even directing users to specific landing pages, ensuring a memorable and professional touchpoint post-submission.

4. Showcase Your Logo and Visuals

Building trust with your customers is crucial for a successful online business. Incorporating trust signals into your order form can help reassure customers and increase their confidence in making a purchase. Here are some trust signals to consider:

  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Display positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. Include their name, photo, and any relevant details that add credibility.
  • Security Badges: Display security badges or logos of trusted payment gateways, SSL certificates, or industry certifications. These symbols indicate that your website is secure and trustworthy.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: Offer a money-back guarantee to reduce the risk for customers. Assure them that they can get a refund if they are unsatisfied with their purchase.

5. Embed Directly onto Your Website

Though there are scenarios where standalone form links might be preferable (like sharing on social media or via email), embedding forms directly on your website maximizes their potential. It ensures you capitalize on your site traffic. To integrate forms onto your site, just select the embed code option when publishing your form and incorporate it into your website’s backend.

123FormBuilder provides diverse embedding options to seamlessly integrate your forms into various platforms.

Testing and optimizing your order form for conversions

Testing and optimizing your order form is crucial to maximize conversions. Here are some tests to consider:

1. Form Length: Test different form lengths to see if customers prefer shorter or longer forms. Analyze the data to determine the optimal number of fields.

2. Button Placement: Test different button placements, such as above the fold, at the bottom of the form, or floating as customers scroll. Monitor click-through rates and conversion rates to identify the most effective placement.

3. Form Fields: Experiment with different form fields and their order. Remove any non-essential fields and consider using autofill or dropdown menus to make it easier for customers to provide information.

Lastly, to bring an added layer of precision to your optimization efforts, harness the power of 123FormBuilder’s form analytics. This tool offers:

  • User Behavior Analysis: Understand how users are interacting with your form. Where do they spend the most time? At which point do they typically abandon the form?
  • Form Abandonment Insights: Identify sections or fields that may be causing users to leave without completing the form. This can guide modifications to enhance completion rates.
  • Completion Metrics: Track how long it takes users to fill out the form, providing insights into potential areas of friction or confusion.

By employing these strategies and leveraging the analytical prowess of tools like 123FormBuilder, you can craft an order form that resonates with your audience and drives conversions efficiently.

Best practices for order form optimization

Optimizing your order form is an ongoing process that involves testing, analyzing data, and making improvements. Here are some best practices to consider when optimizing your order form:

1. A/B Testing: Test different versions of your order form to see which one performs better. Experiment with different layouts, colors, button placements, and form lengths. Analyze the data to identify patterns and make data-driven decisions.

2. Clear Call-to-Action: Make your call-to-action button stand out. Use contrasting colors, larger fonts, or animations to draw attention. Clearly communicate the action you want customers to take, such as “Buy Now” or “Checkout.”

3. Error Handling: Anticipate and address potential errors in your order form. Provide clear error messages and suggestions for how to fix them. Make it easy for customers to correct any mistakes and proceed with their purchase.

A well-designed order form can make a significant impact on your business. It improves the customer experience and increases your chances of converting visitors into loyal customers. By incorporating essential elements, choosing the right format, and optimizing for conversions, you can create an effective order form that maximizes your sales and enhances customer satisfaction. So, don’t let a poorly designed order form stand between you and your customers’ satisfaction. Follow our tips and make every order count!

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