Scholars' Playground: Summer Course Series Registration

Thank you for your interest in signing your scholar up for Scholars Playground's Summer Course Series, an online educational platform with scheduled live courses and tutoring on the arts, sciences, wellness, mentoring, and more all for 6th-8th grade scholars, our future leaders.

The summer course takes place from June 29, 2020 - August 7,2020

This form serves as the Scholar Registration form to enroll your scholar onto The Playground's Summer course.

Once the form is reviewed and approved, you will receive a confirmation email that will also provide you with your scholars login information to enter The Playground if your scholar does not already have an account.

For any questions or general inquiries, feel free to contact us at and as always stay curious!

**Please note: All scholars partaking on live sessions on the platform will be video recorded with the possibility of photos being taken of them while on the platform.